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Denis Fuhrmann, born in 1962 on the sun-drenched shores of the Mediterranean, is a painter who translates his incomparable sensory heritage through the flamboyance of his colours, true artistic and emotional signatures. He stages what he has preserved forever in his memory of Mediterranean blues, playing with their intensity and contrasts.
At the age of 13, he was introduced to the art of painting by his grandfather, also a painter, who challenged him on his artistic gifts, giving him a taste for challenge and daring and opening up a space of freedom for his artistic creation.
His work always offers the opportunity to live a unique emotional experience. His works are luminous, enthusiastic and generous. As if marked by the seal of timelessness, they are nevertheless well anchored in the present and the reality of our human condition because they are charged with the humanistic sense necessary for optimism. His painting is in constant evolution. Recognised "in the manner of", he is slowly and subtly freeing himself from his Picasso filiation, which he claims, and to which he is so attached because it has made him what he is and is becoming.
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