For lovers of traditional enamels, the Manufacture offers a series of pieces with recoloured antique decorations.
DiscoverFamous for its powerful influence on the ceramic industry, the Boch family
family was behind the founding of the Faïencerie de Longwy in 1798.
Follow the different stages of the design of Longwy enamels in our workshops.
DiscoverA shape of the piece is created by our stylists.
A plaster model is then made by our
by our modelling workshop.
This model generates a hollow plaster mould
into which the slip (a mixture of kaolin, clay and water) is poured.
(a mixture of kaolin, clay and water) is poured into it.
The plaster in the mould, eager for water, sucks in
Who better than Guillaume Sardin to bridge the gap between ancient Greece and its divinities and today's athletes?
DiscoverGuive Khosravi does not like emptiness and it shows. He seizes every square millimetre to tell us a story, the story of our lives, from birth to death, from our dreams to our nightmares, from man's extraordinary creative imagination to his destructive madness.