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Lukas Works was born in West Africa where he spent his childhood. He followed his parents to Asia for a while, discovered Jakarta and finished his secondary education there.
He arrived in France at the age of 18, began studying cinema in Nantes, then completed a sound design course in Montpellier. Through his immersion and his relations in the artistic world, he discovered painting through the paintings of Bernard Buffet, Hervé di Rosa and Robert Combas.
His encounters with pictorial art mixed with the colours, sounds and multiple forms of the countries of his childhood resulted in an irresistible desire to paint. After years spent composing music on electronic machines and keyboards, this new means of expression is a real revelation!
He very quickly found the support and consideration of a public that saw in his works a certain correspondence with Jackson Pollock, Fernand Léger or Jean Dubuffet. It was in Paris that he decided to settle down to pursue his artistic approach.